ViMP 4.0.2
ViMP 4.0.2 contains improvements and bug fixes for ViMP 4.0!
Please read our GDPR FAQ for information about the new regulations and technical measures.
Test ViMP in our Online Demo!
Important notes:
- Please see the new system requirements for ViMP 4.x, escpecially with regard to the required PHP versions.
- Please see our ViMP 4.x FAQ articles!
Please download the new version within your personal download area.
- New: Agreement to privacy policy and disclaimer of revocation for credit purchases via PayPal
- New: Agreement to privacy policy and terms of use upon registration is stored in the database incl. timestamp
- New: Subsequent obtaining of consent to the privacy policy and terms of use for existing users
- New: IP address anonymization can be activated/deactivated via configuration
- New: Configuration option for handling media of deleted users (delete or assign to another user)
- New: E-learning courses and e-learning media included into search results
- New: Optional URL signing if using a Wowza streaming server
- Fix: API method uploadMedium now also allows https sources
- Fix: Locked media can be played in the backend again
- Fix: Configuration option to prevent users marked as deleted from registering again via LDAP
- Fix: Error in the API method addUserRole fixed
- Fix: Minor bugfixes in the installer
- Fix: Media of an user appeared automatically in the media overview of a group without having been added there already
- Fix: The status of user-defined checkbox fields in the user profile was not displayed correctly
Fix: API methods registerUser and editUser caused an error when certain user fields were disabled - Fix: Installation errors with certain MySQL/MariaDB versions fixed
- Fix: Issue with embedding hidden media fixed
- Fix: Error when deleting the user account by the user in the frontend fixed
- Fix: Media Replace permissions are now set automatically during installation