VIMP 5.8.0

VIMP 5.8.0 comes with a lot of new functions and improvements. Find out what has changed.

Important notes:

  • Find an overview of the new features in our VIMP 5.8 blog post.
  • Also read our technical notes containing important information of the upgrade.
  • This update requires version 15 of the SourceGuardian Loader. Click here for information on updating the SourceGuardian Loader for your Linux distribution.


Please download the new version within your personal download area.



  • New: Startpage Manager
  • New: Google Privacy Sandbox integration for embeds
  • New: Revised file validation during upload
  • New: Complete rewrite of screen recording
  • New: Standardization of the upload process for webcam and screen recording
  • New: Redesign of the user menu
  • New: Login now also supports e-mail address in addition to username
  • New: Password protection for sensitive configuration values
  • New: Categories can be optionally disabled
  • New: Option to define a different start page
  • New: Featured media box can be deactivated on subpages
  • New: Automatic language recognition for users who are not logged in
  • New: Thumbnail regeneration task
  • New: Parameter for skipping the preview thumbs in the install task
  • New: The m3u8 manifest file has been added to the API response of the getMedium method
  • New: Option to select all messages and notifications at once
  • New: Forum content is included in the search
  • New: Support for combined search terms for tags
  • New: Housekeeping task for purging media that have status "deleted"
  • New: Option for the maximum number of activity entries to be kept in the database
  • New: Support for livestream subtitling
  • New: Configuration for selecting the housekeeping mode for syslog and activity log
  • New: Information about installed SSL certificate in the dashboard
  • New: PHP 8.3 compatibility
  • Improvement: Minor i18n optimizations
  • Improvement: Minor design optimizations
  • Improvement: Fallback user for media of deleted users automatically enabled
  • Improvement: Optimization of default role permissions for guests
  • Improvement: Optimization of default role permissions for administrators
  • Improvement: Optimization of the search string handling of the advanced search for tags
  • Improvement: Subheadings on the configuration pages
  • Improvement: Revision of the thumbnail selection creation
  • Improvement: Custom head scripts are now also added in the embed iframe
  • Improvement: The license key task now requires authentication
  • Improvement: Third gender option (included only in new installations)
  • Improvement: Search field suggestions are now also based on forums and categories
  • Improvement: Default roles can no longer be deleted
  • Improvement: Display of the currently playing quality level in the player when “auto” is selected
  • Improvement: Administrators no longer need to be verified when changing their e-mail address
  • Fix: Security fix for the retrieval of serialized data
  • Fix: Security fix for retrieving audio descriptions
  • Fix: Issue with uploading e-learning documents with multiple dots in the file name fixed
  • Fix: Issue with media slug creation with certain characters in media title fixed
  • Fix: Issue with indexing Elasticsearch fixed
  • Fix: Issue with parsing placeholder data in e-learning certificates fixed
  • Fix: Issue with the hierarchical display of subcategories in the admin panel under Elasticsearch fixed
  • Fix: Issue with submitting the upload form when the publishing option for hidden media is disabled fixed
  • Fix: Issue with displaying bullets in text media fields fixed
  • Fix: Issue with respecting the limits of float values in certain configuration fields
  • Fix: Problem with uploading a preview image for groups or channels via the admin panel fixed
  • and other minor optimizations and improvements


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