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Create and manage albums

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Editions: Ultimate, Corporate
Versions: 2.0.9+

Albums can be used to combine and display selected media in one place. Albums can contain different media types (videos, photos, audios and documents).

To activate the album module, set Administration -> Configuration -> Albums -> Activate albums to "true" within the backend.

By default all registered users can create and manage their own albums. Click on "My albums" within the user info box on the right column or on the main menu item Media -> Albums to get to the albums section.

In order to create a new album click the button "Create Album". You have to enter a title and a description and you can select, if the album shall be visible "Just for me", "For my friends" or "For all users".

Done - the album is created. Now let's add some media by hovering the mouse over the description in order to show the context menu.

There you can select on of the following actions:

  • Edit
  • Manage media
  • Delete album

Click at "Manage media" and you will be lead to the media browser where you can assign or remove media to the album.

Administrators can manage all albums via the frontend, also other users' albums.

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