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How to install the PayPal cron job

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Editions: Ultimate, Enterprise, Campus, VoD Extension
Versions: as of 3.5.4

PayPal Plus (VIMP 4.2.0 or higher):

To process the webhooks, a cron job must be set up on the VIMP server.

Open the Crontab for this:

crontab –e

Now add the following line and save the file:

*/1 * * * * php -f /PATH/TO/VIMP/symfony -- paypal-plus-webhook-queue >> /PATH/TO/VIMP/log/paypal-plus-webhook-queue.log 2>&1

Replace PATH/TO/VIMP with the absolute server path to your VIMP installation, e.g. /var/www/vimp.

Important: Close the line with "Return/Enter". There must be at least one more blank line below the entry.

For the traditional PayPal interface, proceed as follows:

The PayPal IPN Task manages the IPN requests coming from PayPal after a payment has been carried out and processes them.

Open the crontab:

crontab –e

Insert the following line and save the file afterwards:

*/1 * * * * /PATH/TO/VIMP/symfony -- paypal-ipn-queue >> /PATH/TO/VIMP/log/paypal-ipn-queue.log 2>&1

Replace PATH/TO/VIMP with the absolute server path to your VIMP installation, e.g. /var/www/vimp.

Important: Close the line with "Return/Enter". There must be at least one more blank line below the entry.

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